Before executing this, you might want to add postgres user, password and host to your pgpass file, so that you can execute this shell script without being prompted for password.
vi /root/.pgpass #Add details to file hostname:port:database:username:password *:*:*:dbadmin:SysAdminPwd #set file permissions chmod 600 /root/.pgpass
Now the shell script: You can download script from here
#!/bin/sh # # # Title : # Description: # Shell script # # Options: # Schema name that requires a statistic update # # Requirements: # Installed psql and added path to binary in PATH system variable. # # Examples: # $HOME/ "MySchemaName" # SCHEMANAME="$1" DBNAME="${2:-MyDatabase}" DBUSER="${3:-dbadmin}" DBPORT="${4:-7432}" ANALYZESQL="anaylze_schema.sql" ANALYZELOG="analyze_schema.log" test=$(psql -A -1 -t -U $DBUSER -d $DBNAME -p $DBPORT -c "select * from pg_namespace where nspname='$SCHEMANAME'") if [[ "$test" == "" ]]; then echo "Schema \"$SCHEMANAME\" in db \"$DBNAME\" for dbuser \"$DBUSER\" and port \"$DBPORT\" does not exists" exit 1 fi GENANALYZESQL=" select 'ANALYZE VERBOSE \"'||current_database()||'\".\"'||t.schemaname||'\".\"'||t.tablename||'\"; ' as analyze_statement from pg_tables t where schemaname = '$SCHEMANAME' order by t.tablename; " echo "Started generating analyze script for Schema \"$SCHEMANAME\" started at $(date +'%Y-%m-%d %T')" psql -A -q -1 -t -p 7432 -U dbadmin -d MyDatabase -c "$GENANALYZESQL" > "$ANALYZESQL" 2>"$ANALYZELOG" if ! [[ "$(cat $ANALYZELOG)" == "" ]]; then echo "Generation of analyze script for schema \"$SCHEMANAME\" in db \"$DBNAME\" for dbuser \"$DBUSER\" and port \"$DBPORT\" had error(s):" cat "$ANALYZELOG" exit 1 fi echo "Analyzing schema \"$SCHEMANAME\" started at $(date +'%Y-%m-%d %T')" psql -A -q -1 -t -p 7432 -U dbadmin -d MyDatabase -f "$ANALYZESQL" 2>&1 | /usr/sbin/ >> "$ANALYZELOG" echo "Analyzing schema \"$SCHEMANAME\" ended at $(date +'%Y-%m-%d %T')" echo "Analyzing schema sql script is in file $ANALYZESQL. Analyze log is below:" cat "$ANALYZELOG"
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