Backup a production database and restored it on a dev server. Sanitize the refreshed database and run a script and upload results as a csv file to sftp site. I know this can be done with
, but I thought a batch job would be simpler to manage and troubleshoot. First, create a directory for this job and add the following files to it. I will call mine D:\NirvanaInc. We are going to use the following tools to get this task done.
- SQLCMD - To run backup/restore commands, sanitize scripts etc
- PSFTP - To upload files to an SFTP site
- sendemail - To send notification emails
Now that we are ready, lets start building the scripts we will use. The idea is to create one batch file which will call and run various scripts that do backup, restore, cleanup etc. this approach will make it incredibly easier to maintain and make changes to the job in future, if needed.
This is simple backup script:
USE master; DECLARE @startdate VARCHAR(100); SET @startdate = 'backup start: ' + convert(VARCHAR(32), getdate(), 121); PRINT @startdate; BACKUP DATABASE [NirvanaProd] TO DISK = N'R:\Backups\NirvanaProd.bak' WITH COPY_ONLY ,NOFORMAT ,INIT ,NAME = N'NirvanaProd-Full Database Backup' ,SKIP ,NOREWIND ,NOUNLOAD ,COMPRESSION ,STATS = 10 GO DECLARE @backupSetId AS INT SELECT @backupSetId = position FROM msdb.dbo.backupset WHERE database_name = N'NirvanaProd.bak' AND backup_set_id = ( SELECT max(backup_set_id) FROM msdb..backupset WHERE database_name = N'NirvanaProd.bak' ) IF @backupSetId IS NULL BEGIN RAISERROR ( N'Verify failed. Backup information for database ''NirvanaProd'' not found.' ,16 ,1 ) END RESTORE VERIFYONLY FROM DISK = N'R:\Backups\NirvanaProd.bak' WITH FILE = @backupSetId ,NOUNLOAD ,NOREWIND GO DECLARE @enddate VARCHAR(100); SET @enddate = 'backup end: ' + convert(VARCHAR(32), getdate(), 121); PRINT @enddate;
-- restore backup on target server, SQL: USE master; -- wait for start time DECLARE @now DATETIME ,@targettime DATETIME; -- targettime is set to 02:00:00 AM, If the backup is done sooner, it will wait till 2 AM to kick off restore SET @targettime = substring(CONVERT(VARCHAR(39), GETDATE(), 121), 1, 10) + ' 02:00:00'; SET @now = GETDATE(); IF (@targettime > @now) BEGIN WAITFOR TIME @targettime; END; DECLARE @startdate VARCHAR(100); SET @startdate = 'db restore start: ' + convert(VARCHAR(32), getdate(), 121); PRINT @startdate; IF EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM sys.databases WHERE NAME = 'NirvanaDev' ) BEGIN ALTER DATABASE [NirvanaDev] SET SINGLE_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE; END RESTORE DATABASE [NirvanaDev] FROM DISK = N'R:\Remotebackups\Nirvanaprod.bak' WITH FILE = 1 ,MOVE N'FinancialSoftwareSystems_Data' TO N'D:\SQLData\NirvanaDev.mdf' ,MOVE N'FinancialSoftwareSystems_log' TO N'D:\SQLData\nirvanaDev.ldf' ,NOUNLOAD ,REPLACE ,STATS = 10 GO ALTER DATABASE [NirvanaDev] SET MULTI_USER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE; GO DECLARE @enddate VARCHAR(100); SET @enddate = 'db users restore end: ' + convert(VARCHAR(32), getdate(), 121); PRINT @enddate;
I will leave out sanitize and grant permissions script because they are specific to your environment and you should build your scripts accordingly. Next up is running the a report script on target database and uploading the output as CSV to SFTP site. I chose PSFTP because of its ease of use.
echo lcd D:\NirvanaInc > psqftp.bat echu lpwd >> psftp.bat echo put D:\NirvanaInc\sql_results.csv >> psftp.bat echo quit >> psftp.bat c:\sysutil\psftp -pw myFancyPwd -b psftp.bat -v
By now, you should have the following files on your D:\NirvanaInc folder:
Finally, the main batch file:
@echo off goto :startbatch Description ============================================================= This batch file is used for 1. Taking a backup of NirvanaProd database 2. Copying backup file to a Dev db server 3. Restore database on Dev Environment 4. Sanitizing Database 5. Creating user and granting permission 6. Run a script 7. Upload results to sftp =============================================================== :startbatch REM set variablesa set source_server= set target_server= set source_db=NirvanaProd set target_db=NirvanaDev set home_dir=D:\NirvanaInc\NirvanaProd set backup_script=%home_dir%\backup.sql set backup_out=%home_dir%\backup_out.txt set copy_out=%home_dir%\copy_out.txt set restore_script=%home_dir%\restore.sql set restore_out=%home_dir%\restore_out.txt set sanitize_script=%home_dir%\sanitize.sql set sanitize_out=%home_dir%\sanitize_out.txt set grant_script=%home_dir%\grant_script.sql set grant_out=%home_dir%\grant_out.txt set run_script=%home_dir%\run.sql set run_script_out=%home_dir%\sql_results.csv set serverlogin=mylogin set serverpass=fancypassword123 REM backup your production database sqlcmd -S tcp:%source_server%,1433 -d master -U %serverlogin% -P %serverpass% -s "," -W -h -1 -i %backup_script% -o %backup_out% REM copy backup from source server to target server, log is in %copy_out% echo copy of backup file started at: %date% %time% > %copy_out% copy /y \\%source_server%\R$\Backups\%source_db%.bak \\%target_server%\R$\RemoteBackups 1>>%copy_out% 2>&1 echo copying of the backup file completed at: %date% %time% >> %copy_out% REM Restore backup on the target server sqlcmd -S tcp:%target_server%,1433 -d master -U %serverlogin% -P %serverpass% -s "," -W -h -1 -i %restore_script% -o %restore_out% REM Sanitize database and create user, grant permissions sqlcmd -S tcp:%target_server%,1433 -d %target_db% -U %serverlogin% -P %serverpass% -s "," -W -h -1 -i %sanitize_script% -o %sanitize_out% sqlcmd -S tcp:%target_server%,1433 -d %target_db% -U %serverlogin% -P %serverpass% -s "," -W -h -1 -i %grant_script% -o %grant_out% REM Run sql script sqlcmd -S tcp:%target_server%,1433 -d %target_db% -U %serverlogin% -P %serverpass% -s "," -W -h -1 -i %run_script% -o %run_script_out% REM Upload run_sql.csv results to SFTP call %home_dir%/run_psftp.bat REM send emails on completion C:\sysutil\sendemail -t -cc -u "%target_db% refresh" -m "%source_db% backup from server %source_server% is restored on %target_server% as db %target_db% . The script ran successfully and the output was uploaded to SFTP" -s -f "" -a %backup_out% -a %restore_out% -a %sanitize_out% -a %grant_out%
have fun! :)
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